The mailman always delivers.
Charlie Flynn -
AWWW ON THE MAIL. The mail man delivers, once again!
Charlie Flynn
There’s this burnin’ in your chest, man. It’s like the colosseum, man.
Charlie Flynn -
I'm not a big drinker. I don't really drink at all. But my dad and his pals will want to have a good swally because their nerves will be in some state, man!
Charlie Flynn -
Say that again, Commonwealth whit? (translation: what?) I'm no used tae hearing that.
Charlie Flynn -
Naw, it's like ants up there, man. Like ants that sound like lions!
Charlie Flynn -
That'd be good. That'd be a right good laugh, man. Ye cannae catch me shuttin' up, man
Charlie Flynn -
I couldn't believe, I felt as if, like I said, I was going to drap deed y'knaw't a mean?
Charlie Flynn