You can run. You can keep running to the ends of the earth. But I won’t be far behind you.
My job is to ensure the sanctity of this House. Ensuring the sanity of its Master seemed like a good start.
Now that, my friends, is what we vampires call a good exit.
The best revenge is a life well lived.
And maybe leprechauns will poop rainbows on your pillow.
I have been given a third chance at life, even if the circumstances are somewhat disconcerting. You are mine, and we both know it.
Avoidance helped settle the emotions. Considerably.
Where was a boom box when you needed one?
Awkwardness, thy name is vampire.
Words have power? That sounds like you’re into some Harry Potter juju.
She is mine. -Ethan.
Consider the possibility that I made a mistake I regret - and that I’ll continue to regret that mistake and try to convince you to give me another chance until the earth stops turning.
You are caught, Sentinel.? His voice was rough.
I wouldn’t say I was forward, but I made a move when I was interested.
Be stubborn if you wish to, if you need to, but we know how this will end.
You can tell a lot by the size of a mans library.
I’d prefer to see both knees on the ground. I mean, if you’re going to grovel, be the best groveler you can, right?
No one said love was easy, Sentinel. -Ethan.