I got a call from Buddy Arnolds, who started the program, and he said, ‘Kurt Cobain is at this hospital, and I just visited him. He would like to meet you,’ he wasn’t aware of my music… He was aware of my being a world-class junkie. He wanted to meet the junkie that got clean.
I have a 47-year-old daughter, who we’re very close now… But her mother left, took her, I didn’t see her for years, i have a son, Chuckie, whose mother was an addict. I was an addict. And he ended up, of course, being an addict… He ended up in prison, which broke my heart… Now he’s clean and doing well.
It’s terrible, I have to say, I loved getting high, i mean, I loved it. It became my life… For a time, I didn’t want to stop. When I even thought about stopping, just for a while, I couldn’t. For a while, I just went in there to clean up and get my health back, with the idea of using again when I came out. Then… I had to go in just to get my family off my back, to get my loved ones, my wives, whatever, off my back… My family, everyone… just couldn’t bear to see it anymore.
In a sense, I’m a little kid in here, i didn’t wake up until I was 50 years old. I turned 50 before I had one year clean and sober. I woke up late.
He came to visit and told me, ‘Chuck, you have to pray and you have to ask for the acceptance of God’s will in your life’, … I fell asleep in the middle of a horrific withdrawal… But there is no sleep really because your body is just aching, it’s electric… [But] when I woke up, the obsession was gone. And I knew God had helped me. Chuck Negron performing today. (Courtesy of Chuck Negron) I believe God came and did for me what I couldn’t do for myself and relieved me from the bondage of addiction… I knew God had helped me. From that time on my faith grew stronger and stronger. It changed my life.
I didn’t go to CRI-Help to get sober, i went in there because I had no place to go. I had no place to live. I needed some place to sleep, eat… I think I was probably too messed up and too stupid to know how close to death I was.