It is important to nurture any new ideas and initiatives which can make a difference for Africa.
We are very fond of blaming the poor for destroying the environment. But often it is the powerful, including governments, that are responsible.
I am working to make sure we don't only protect the environment, we also improve governance.
When resources are degraded, we start competing for them, whether it is at the local level in Kenya, where we had tribal clashes over land and water, or at the global level, where we are fighting over water, oil, and minerals. So one way to promote peace is to promote sustainable management and equitable distribution of resources.
All of us have a God in us, and that God is the spirit that unites all life, everything that is on this planet.
The people are starving. They need food; they need medicine; they need education. They do not need a skyscraper to house the ruling party and a 24-hour TV station.