The Pleiadians are opening an energetic timeline for the very first time in any seminar, allowing you to enter the timeline where all experience occurs, because everything exists in one moment.
This covenant energy holds and mirrors the pact that we have made of self-fulfillment for ourselves in this lifetime, and that covenant energy holds the full reflection of our promise within its framework.
The new blueprint is designed to accelerate that remembering, like we are awakening from a dream. That's its purpose. The initiations will anchor the new blueprint, and the integration of that, with full alignment to that frequency.
People feel like they are in turmoil and confusion, but that space of understanding also exists, and the initiations lift that density off them so that they start to glimpse something more of themselves.
A covenant energy is anchored on the planet at this time, and it carries the new contract for the Earth plane in this second phase of this new dawning era.
You're re-accessing your natural energy, your natural information, your knowledge of yourself, of your sacred self.
Everyone is being affected, but there is only a group of us awake on the path who are consciously moving beyond the fifth dimension.
The energy is changing here dramatically. That's part of the upheaval of the drama. The dimensional shifts are accelerating. The magnetic energy at the core of the Earth has transformed to take in the new settings of our awakening selves.
There is a tremendous acceleration and many of us will be moving dimensionally - through that sixth, seventh, dimensional element that will be here for those of us who are ready to engage with our galactic and universal neighbors.
Mother Mary and the Christ energy hold a new profile on the Earth plane right now, and they will be there in the seminar in their new profile for this new phase we're entering into. They will walk among us and be much more available to individuals at this time on the Earth plane. They will be accessible in a very different way to support us in this transition on a very intimate and individual basis.
It starts with being unearthed. I like that word, unearthed, because we are being unearthed.
We are no longer anchored here through the illusions. The Earth itself is transforming to allow us to be unearthed and to make our way differently within the universal community.
That is what the blueprint for this time is about. We're leaving behind the limitations and the illusion of the struggle. We're moving much more into having a very different experience now on the Earth plane with our sacredness.
All experiences exist in one time frame.
There is going to be an awakening energy, a remembering and understanding. A lot of very simple revelations will move through individuals during the seminar. It's a very gentle, but powerful and empowering, process suitable for everybody who comes to this process.
We've all been victims. We've all been perpetrators. And, so there is a group that is still experiencing that.
There will be revelations of truth and understanding about our role within the universes, and we will start navigating with the galactic community and with other life form energies in a much more precise way, much more of a communion with those energies in accord with the acceleration that is happening on the planet.
Some of us are moving into the sixth dimension now. And with the new energies coming into the new year, there will be even a seventh dimensional experience opening up for some of us, because we're going to go through such a transition within the universal community in the next year.
If someone comes in without having been on a spiritual path for long, he or she still will understand what is happening to them in their human lives, what is happening through the evolution, how their humanness is playing such an important role at this time, and where they are in their lives with their inner feelings. It actually gives them a support system, a base from which they can start to evolve naturally within themselves through the understanding of our humanness, of our imperfection.
Everyone is ready to receive this new blueprint. It's simple, easy, flowing. Nothing too complicated, and everyone will feel at home being able to come in and just receive this energy.
There really is not any difference between any of us, because we're only talking about the difference of one moment in time between remembering. We can't judge what's right for each individual, because each person will get what they are ready for within the moment that are presented during that timeline process.
When the dimensional shift gets to a certain level, guess what? The illusion won't be able to remain stable anymore, and so people will simply wake up and remember who they are! That's going to happen to a certain group of people.
There is no such thing as death.
We have to understand (this is another key piece) that there are some individuals who still need that drama, that experience of violence.