If plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters - 204 if you're in Japan.
Claire Cook -
There were lots of kinds of men in the world. There were lots of kinds of dogs in the world. There were lots of men who acted like dogs in the world.
Claire Cook
I'd spent so many years doing things I didn't really want to do for people I didn't really like.
Claire Cook -
It's easy to look like Santa Claus when you don't have to buy the groceries.
Claire Cook -
Even reflected glory can be intoxicating.
Claire Cook -
Time heals many wounds but this loss becomes the defining sadness of your life.
Claire Cook -
I was a lot braver when I was eight.
Claire Cook -
Everybody does stupid things in life. Some of us more than others. You think you're going to get away with it. Or one or both of you just stop thinking. But it happens. And when it does, you can keep drinking it like poison, or you can put it behind you and go make the most of the rest of your life.
Claire Cook
Relationships, the ones that last anyway, are really an extended game of Let's Make A Deal.
Claire Cook -
Great, you ruined my life and you don’t even remember it.
Claire Cook -
Maybe if the right person floats into your life, you have to jump in with both feet and try to make it work before the tide turns.
Claire Cook -
Maybe part of find what you wanted was recognizing what you didn't want. Maybe there was hope for me yet.
Claire Cook -
Time flies. Time flies faster every year. Time flies whether you're having fun or not, whether you're living your life big or small, whether you surround yourself with fear or laughter.
Claire Cook -
What are sisters for if not to point out the things the rest of the world is too polite to mention.
Claire Cook