Algebra is a general Method of Computation by certain signs and symbols which have been contrived for the Purpose, and found convenient.
Those who have not imbibed the prejudices of philosophers, are easily convinced that natural knowledge is to be founded on experiment and observation.
The processes of nature lie so deep, that, after all the pains we can take, much, perhaps, will remain undiscovered beyond the reach of human art or skill. But this is no reason why we should give ourselves up to the belief of fictions, be they ever so ingenious, instead of hearkening to the unerring voice of nature...
As magnitude, of every sort, abstractedly considered, is capable of being increased to infinity, and is also divisible without end; so we find that, in nature, the limits of the greatest and least dimensions of things, are actually placed at an immense distance from each other.
By proceeding with due care, every age will add to the common stock of knowledge; the mysteries that still lie concealed in nature may be gradually opened, arts will flourish and increase, mankind will improve, and appear more worthy of their situation in the universe, as they approach more towards a perfect knowledge of nature.
The view of nature, which is the immediate object of sense, is very imperfect, and of small extent; but, by the assistance of art, and the aid of reason, becomes enlarged, till it loses itself in infinity.
A strong curiosity has prompted men in all times to study nature; every useful art has some connexion with the science; and the unexhausted beauty and variety of things makes it ever agreeable, new and surprising.