I loved Heidi Klum, but now I know Kathy Ireland is on the cover of Forbes, so that’s pretty amazing as well.
People deal with models like they are children. They think they can pull one over on you. It's actually funny. I'm always like, I'm about to pull something on you, and you're so focused on thinking I'm dumb, you're not even going to know.
I can't change my bra size. They're natural! I can work out and I can stay healthy and motivated, but I can't change some things. I really just live my life. I love my body. It's what God gave me! I feel confident with myself, and if that inspires other women to feel confident with their bodies, great.
Anywhere in life, for girls there's pressure to keep your weight and to keep yourself feeling and looking good.
I think it's very hard to find a good friend. That's why I'm so lucky to have two sisters, because they're my best friends, and they have to be with me forever. They're stuck with me.
I don't ever want to be a person that I'm not. A lot of girls fall into the trap where they are trying to impress other people, and that's the time when they lose themselves.
I think the fame aspect, there was definitely a period when I had to get used to it. My family had to get used to it, too. It's exciting.
So, I have my own horse and two ponies. I grew up around horses, and that really is my passion.
I'm actually an equestrian, and I showed in the American Paint Horse Association and competed for top 20 in the nation.
You have to think hard with a tattoo. 'What will I love for the rest of my life?'
If I can help and influence girls who are going through body-image issues then I think that's amazing.
So if I get pegged as a bikini girl, that's fine, and that can still translate into acting or other areas. But, no, I don't wanna be doing bikini shoots my whole life.
I always had career goals. And I figured out a path I wanted to take to accomplish those goals. If that meant calling the best modeling agency in the world, that's what it meant.
I'm not going to starve just to be thin... I want to enjoy life and I can't if I'm not eating and miserable.
I'm sure every designer has a certain person in mind who they would ideally like to wear their clothes, but the problem is that a lot of the time that person doesn't actually exist, unless she is a 15-year-old model.
Listen: I like my bikinis very small, and I also like, uh, nude-colored bikinis because people double-take - they think I'm naked on the beach.
I think twerking is overrated.
I hate exercising self-control.
I grew up in Florida riding horses, so for the majority of my life I was either in boots and jeans or a bathing suit.
I just think that pick-up lines in general are horrible. None of them work.
I have a paralyzing fear of snakes.
I want to be able to sing well, but I have the worst voice in the world.
I can never find the right bras.
I was at a photo shoot, and I was wearing a cross necklace that my mom bought me, and somebody made a joke like, 'Why are you wearing a cross? Like you would be religious.' And then they took it away. I was really affected by that. The whole thing made me realize that I do want a cross with me at all times.