There is nothing going on in your life that you don't have the authority to overcome.
Mars and Venus and Jupiter, all of the handiwork of God was now placed in the authority of the God of the earth. And here's what He told him. He said I want you to guard it and keep out all intruders. Now that gives us a little insight on why When God made Adam all he did was made an exact imprint of himself. He duplicated himself, he was the image and from his image came himself.
Don't despise the small beginnings because great things are just around the corner.
Christ has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Therefore respond in faith to receive what he has already made available.
Because I have developed my trust in God, I am no longer disturbed by irritating circumstances. Whenever they arise, I simply look to Him and say, “Lord, I trust you, and I know that everything will be just fine.
By making the Word our final authority and making a quality decision to place our faith in God at all costs, we experience His best in every situation.
A sure indication of a lack of trust is frustration. In other words, whenever a situation robs us of our peace, we are not trusting God.
Unbelief is based in fear! Belief is a necessity for God to operate and function in your life.
Instructions from Jesus will always yield favorable results.
The process of change is made up of subtraction and addition. Taking something off and then puttin something on.
Whenever you speak negatively, you create a conflict between the good and bad seed that is in your heart.
It is not uncommon for highly agitating situations to show up right before a major breakthrough takes place in our lives. In fact, we can definitely prepare for a breakthrough when the enemy starts using agitation against us.
Unhappiness does not come from the way things are, but from the difference between how things are and how we think they should be
The Gospel is the good news that God isn't angry with you, and that He loves you!
An unrenewed mind is a mind that lacks the knowledge of God's Word. A lack of knowledge about the Word keeps us from maturing spiritually.
I declare that you shall experience the goodness of the Lord in every area of your life!
Everything we will ever need for life and eternity has already been placed within our spirits.
Be anxious for nothing... And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6,7
When you come in contact with the anointing of God, it not only affects your moment, it affects your tomorrow.
And so, when two Christians who are both members of the Body of Christ decide to engage into sexual activity then what you are really doing is you are having sex with Jesus. 'If you have done it unto the least of these my brethren then you have done it unto me.' That's gross you are having sex with Jesus.
The arms of the enemy are too short to box with God! In Christ, we have the victory.
We have been sealed with the Holy Spirit. The bad cannot enter in and the good cannot get out. Have an awesome day!
Luke 17:21, which says, “Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
To fear God means to honor and respect Him in every decision we make. When we fear the Lord, we have a reverence for Him that moves us to obey His Word.