The important question to ask is why these bodies are allowed to exist. If a country such as Spain allowed a repressive body like the Inquisition to exist for four hundred years, it is not because the Inquisition forced itself on the Spanish nation. It is because the Spaniards allowed it to exist.
They not only look for things to do. They look for things to do that are work related, for me, it plays into a national characteristic of being busy, being productive and improving yourself.
Americans are definitely workaholics, maybe the overall message of this poll is that there is a kind of bedrock faith in the idea that working hard pays off.
In a world of moral certainty, the unthinkable becomes permissible.
The genius of America may be that it has built "the fall of Rome" into its very makeup: it is very consciously a constant work in progress, designed to accommodate and build on revolutionary change.
At some point in the next century the number of invented languages will probably overtake the number of surviving natural languages.