My parents are the shit, man. I love them. They've stuck by me forever. They made it really nice for me. I never went through any hard times. The only hard times I went through are with hoes.
There's so much bullshit around now in pop and hip-hop, and everybody's talking about the same fucking shit, like get the fuck outta here. That shit is horrible. I don't hate anybody, but that shit pisses me off. It's bullshit. So I wanna change things up and make people go, "Aw, man, this is the hot shit. Eamon talks from the heart. He's real."
I get pissed off when people at radio and TV shows say, "Can you keep a clean show?" Motherfuckers! Don't they know who they booked? It was the same with the single "Fuck It". They wanted me to change the words to "Forget it" or some bullshit.
It amazes me that there's been a fuss over me cursing when there's rappers talking about killing people.
In New York there are a lot of Irish-Italians because there are a lot of Irish and a lot of Italians and they fuck each other.
My lyrical content is adult shit, but it's not. Everybody curses now, and teenagers swear more than anyone. I've got a three-year-old nephew running around the house saying to me, "Fuck you, you ho." It's fucking insane, man.
It's so funny when I do TV shows and they're like, "Yeah, you gotta keep it clean, man." I'm like, "How the fuck do I keep it clean? My shit is called 'Fuck It.' Get the fuck out of here. Don't put me on the show if you want me to keep it clean."
The whole concept of "Fuck It" is "fuck it, I don't give a fuck, just fuck it," meaning fuck the relationship, fuck what the people will think of me, just fuck it, fuck everything, ya know?
Whoever says I'm a one-hit wonder can go suck a dick.
I call my music ho-wop. It's the flavor of hip-hop, the flavor of doo-wop, and hoes.
The thing is, I'm not saying "fuck" just to say it. Every time I curse, I mean it. It might sound weird and funny, but I fucking mean the shit.