I'm most enthused by the younger people...and I wouldn't have said that two years ago. I spoke at two college campuses in Wisconsin and the students weren't interested. Public Service was a dirty word to them. Now they see it differently. They see you can come together and have a positive impact. I'm encouraged because they now see that we can win on these issues.
Negotiating is really the art of the possible. I'm not sure you're going to get guys making a million dollars a year to walk a picket line.
The Bush administration knows everything about him and they desperately want him in there. They aren't taking a risk. They know he's an ideologue.
We have an excellent list of speakers, but the spark will be provided by the crowd to turn talk into action. The Iraq occupation and the government's bumbling effort in New Orleans, has people wanting to act.
All we can tell you is that this race is too close for honest pollsters to predict.
You just can't unilaterally make changes unless there's some agreement and the court approves it.
If there is ever a time for grassroots to come together, this is the time. Some may tell you that you can't fight city hall or ATC. Well, if you don't fight, you can't win.
Blacks were systematically targeted to keep them off the voting roles. I think that we're a long way from saying the vote is protected by the federal government.