We had a very snowy early January (2005), and that ended up being very problematic for casinos in the northern tier ...
Edward Feigenbaum -
The driver of the power of intelligent systems is the knowledge the systems have about their universe of discourse, not the sophistication of the reasoning process the systems employ.
Edward Feigenbaum
It should have been a better December, given the one extra Saturday.
Edward Feigenbaum -
When the president comes you always get a ton of money, and it's always difficult to say no to that kind of money.
Edward Feigenbaum -
It's difficult to sustain a growth rate like we've been seeing.
Edward Feigenbaum -
One of the things you try to achieve in a buyout is an economy of scale.
Edward Feigenbaum -
People might just have wanted to wait until they get their service back up.
Edward Feigenbaum