Edwin Percy Whipple Quotes
A man of letters is often a man with two natures,--one a book nature, the other a human nature. These often clash sadly.
Edwin Percy Whipple
Quotes to Explore
Censorship may be useful for the preservation of morality, but can never be so for its restoration.
G. D. H. Cole
The cure for evil and disorder is more liberty, not suppression.
Alexander Berkman
As a rule, with me an unfinished [idea] is a thing that might as well be rubbed out. It's better, if there's something good in it that I might make use of elsewhere, to leave it at the back of my mind than on paper in a drawer. If I leave it in a drawer it remains the same thing but if it's in the memory it becomes transformed into something else.
T. S. Eliot
You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then - to learn.
T. H. White
I want us all to fulfill our greatest potential. To find our calling, and summon the courage to live it.
Oprah Winfrey
If at this moment you simply made up your minds that you were handsome, beautiful, strong, dangerous, powerful, that you knew everything there was to know, you were totally capable in any job that you undertook or any sport you undertook-if you really believed that, and you can believe it, some of your faces would change physically before my eyes.
L. Ron Hubbard
If the parents in each generation always or often knew what really goes on at their sons' schools, the history of education would be very different.
C. S. Lewis
Ascensions into heaven are like falling leaves sad and happy all at the same time Going away isn't really sad especially when your going enables a new kind of presence to be born.
Ernest Hemingway
If you will fling yourself under the wheels, Juggernaut will go over you; depend upon it.
William Makepeace Thackeray
I mean, why do people fight over sports? Because of the framework, the schematic of sports, those particular people seize upon these opportunities to be violent. And the number one problem using the same framework would be religion.
Ian MacKaye
If they do not share equally enjoyments and toils, those who labor much and get little will necessarily complain of those who labor little and receive or consume much. But indeed there is always a difficulty in men living together and having all human relations in common, but especially in their having common property.
A man who wishes to make a profession of goodness in everything must necessarily come to grief among so many who are not good. Therefore, it is necessary for a prince, who wishes to maintain himself, to learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge and not use it according to the necessity of the case.
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli