Ooh, similar political opinions! How hot was that? To Gwen's way of thinking, this relationship was sounding about as interesting as fettuccine without Alfredo.
People saw her pretty elf face and red-gold curls and immediately concluded that she was on the side of angels and paladins. In Sharlarra’s opinion, people that shallow and stupid deserved to be robbed.
Yes, the moon elf was very different. But so were arrow and bow, and yet they worked together to become more than what either might be alone.
Oddly enough, I don't find myself concerned with 'impossible.' It's an enormous relief to know that I'm not having delusions. Nothing real, impossible or not, could be as frightening as that.
More things in this world have been accomplished in this world by persistence than by wisdom.
The impossible always takes a little longer.
If you use a wolf to hunt a wolf, keep two arrows near to hand.
Look at the sky. Does its sapphire hue dim when you take a single breath? Are the stars drawn closer when you weep? The sky cannot be diminished so. Thus it is with the spirit: it is a thing without beginning or end.