Anybody who is stupid enough often stumbles on an effect that could never be thought up by the most brilliant. I suspect that there is a thing which you might call the genius of stupidity.
Worrying about where to begin puts you in a fair way to waste your life worrying, without getting noticeably closer to beginning.
Most trouble is unnecessary. Between the indignity of being born and the agony of dying enough bad things must of necessity happen to people. But we can't be satisfied with that. We have to go to work and see how much additional trouble we can create. Misunderstanding, turmoil, effort put on all the wrong things, and then more misunderstanding.
When people speak of Time's healing magic, they are simply being euphemistic about our human tendency - and perhaps necessity - to forget.
... if the Republicans don't bring prosperity, who on earth is going to?
There are times when the one thing you haven't counts more than all the riches that may be yours.
If you loved, sooner or later you always lost; that was the penalty you had to pay for loving. Grief can be endured - somehow. But how poor and bare would be a life which had nothing to grieve over!