Concentrate on the things that matter to you.
My job is to stay alive until the medicine and research catch up.
I hope I have important things to say.
I was a 16-year-old girl at one point, so of course I wrote poetry.
You know, there are no guarantees on prognosis.
But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful.
Sometimes you get politicians who dig their feet into the sand and aren't willing to listen to another voice.
I am imperfect in a million ways, but I always thought I was the kind of woman, the kind of wife to whom a husband would be faithful.
In a sense, having cancer takes you by the shoulders and shakes you.
You're young. Maybe there'll be time for a do-over if you don't get it right the first time. But there are no guarantees. There will come a time as it has for me when there's no time for a do-over.
To be perfectly frank, there is an odd place after losing a child, where you think somehow your life is worth less.
Leave me if you must, but be faithful to me if you are with me.
You don't have to be perfect; you just have to be open.
I'm not praying for God to save me from cancer. I'm not. God will enlighten me when the time comes. And if I've done the right thing, I will be enlightened. And if I believe, I'll be saved. And that's all he promises me.
I think that it is our intention to deny cancer any control over us.
Maybe we all change over time.
He seems like a nice charming guy. Mike Huckabee doesn't believe in evolution and has some nutty views about what it is we should do about ending violence in our inner city—we should make sure all of our young people are armed. Republicans scare me.
I have three living children for whom this is a father who I want them to love and on whom they're going to have to rely if my disease takes a bad turn.
The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered.
My father had gone to Vietnam.
I'm completely comfortable with gay marriage.
Those who need a champion cannot afford compromise, in the face of forces that are powerful, persistent and pernicious and greedy.
At the end of our lives, we will not be judged by the highest public office we attained in our lifetime, if that were true the current president George W. Bush would hold as much esteem as Franklin Roosevelt in our country, and Nelson Mandela in his. That cannot be the case. Rather, we will each be judged by the mark we've left on others.
If people think that you're throwing babies out, dissecting children, to do stem-cell research, I'm not for that.