“Everyone all my life has been telling me it's just a phase that will pass; that it's something I can be working toward for my old age instead of wasting time on it now when I should be making money. That was exactly it, except that all at once I no longer saw any sense in spending the best years of my life earning money in order to enjoy a questionable liberty during the least valuable part.”
“If one hears the call of the open places, why shall he not answer it as fully as he may while eyes will never be keener nor stride more lusty?”
“Aspirins and sleeping pills are not going to cure America's tensions although they may help temporarily. To get at the real source of our anxieties we must find serenity within ourselves.”
A lot of us are working harder than we want, at things we don't like to do. Why? It figures! In order to afford the sort of existence we don't care to live.