Children are uncivilized, so have a staggering power to harm, especially those people whose hearts need mending. In that house an unhappy child was too much rain on a high water table. I poured it on and the terrain liquefied.
“Books can be the people we never get to meet, ancestors or far neighbors.”
Don't take this the wrong way, but you seem like the strangest stranger I've ever met.
The thought of flight has melted me, I am less solid than liquid, then I'm going up and going invisible like steam.
You fainted and I caught you. It was the first time I'd supported a human. You had such heavy bones. I put myself between you and gravity. Impossible.
What no one else sees, no one else cares about.
“I guess I should have said that you're a tragic loss because your brains were yours and yours alone. You were the one who could pull the sword out of the stone. And you gave it all up.”
Happiness had never been like this before. Now it came like sun showers, the sun and the rain together. Happiness was happier than it had been - sharp, piercing, and snatched, like a breath while swimming in surf.
I have no particular plan in life - and that's something I rather like. Most things that people do seem to me to be rather dull and silly. In my ideal life I'd be left alone to read
“Of course, any map of the Place would be shocking to anyone with any understanding of geography. As you can see, this is a map of no earthly geography."