How long can a man live on the outside before he loses his ability to love? How long before there's no more hope?
Too bad, how sad, life's a bitch and then you die.
Some of us aren't meant to belong. Some of us have to turn the world upside down and shake the hell out of it until we make our own place in it.
When it comes to death, nature is much more cruel to predators than predators are to their own prey.
As subtle and universally pervasive as gravity, love touches everything, and enhances everything it touches.
The world wasn't going to go away. Ever.
Too many memories, each one sharper and more painful than the last.
Turning as it looked for prey. Though the bird’s shadow whipped over her face.
You saw too late. Now you are as she is, bewteen two worlds, warmth bleeding into cold.
Understanding someone, and loving him despite that understanding, is a trait more often found in angels than in mankind.
Most people don´t like to think, period.
A woman of intense feeling, head thrown back, hair wild, lips open upon a cry of unbelievable pleasure. The enchanted. A warrior both disciplined and passionate, his whole being focused in the moment. The enchanter. Now he is bending down to her, drinking her cries .....
It all boils down to money and power and to hell with the meadow that’s flattened while the elephants and donkeys dance for dollars.
Run while you can, Cat. With every breath you take, this pirate is becoming less willing to let you go.
Poignant, earthy, intensely human, Letters From A Stranger is a love story that is as unusual and courageous as its characters.
It was an endless, consuming nightmare that she escaped only in madness. And then the escape was not complete. Part of her knew, always.
The sacred rowan is a woman born long, long ago, a woman whose refusal to see love cost first her lover's life, then the lives of her family, her clan, her people. But not her own life. Not quite. In pity and punishment she was turned into an undying tree, a rowan that weeps only in the presence of transcendent love; and the tears of the rowan are blossoms that confer extraordinary grace upon those who can see them. When enough tears are wept, the rowan will be free. She waits inside a sacred ring that can be neither weighed or measured nor touched. She waits for love that is worth her tears. The rowan is waiting still.
What is dollar value but something to amuse people who have no imagination? People who have money and no imagination follow fashion. People who have imagination and no money fashion styles.
If I didn’t have a ship to go after you, I’d buy one and chase you until I caught you.
I'm not perfect. Remember that, and try to forgive me when I fail you.
Life´s a gamble, honey. The only guarantee is that nobody gets out alive.
Sometimes the best part in life is an accident that goes right.
It's okay to let yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.
In a whole world of strangers, she´s the only one alive who shares the first half of my life, of my memories, of myself. There are times I want to strangle her, a lot more time I want to scream at her to grow up, but I love her anyway.