It was not for Halliday to judge another's personal relationships: everyone in the city was strange, if you looked deeply enough.
Ellen Kushner -
MIDWINTER IS THE DREARIEST of the year. Days are short, nights are long, and both are cold and wet with no immediate prospect of relief. Winter’s Tail is what the old wives call it, dragging filth at winter’s ass.
Ellen Kushner
I do not make the rules. This annoys me, and so I comfort myself by breaking them.
Ellen Kushner -
He said, 'They're only whores,' as though their very availability rendered them worthless.
Ellen Kushner -
What was it about scholarship and learning, he wondered, that seemed to wither the hearts of University men, leaving them incapable of loving anything as imperfect and fallible as an actual human being?
Ellen Kushner -
It was strange to see that no matter what color the clothing first appeared—and they were all hues, from earthy copper and garnet to the blue of sky and shadow—in different light all turned to some shade of green, as if there were a third plane to the cloth’s weaving beyond the warp and weft.
Ellen Kushner -
NICHOLAS GALING DRESSED FOR THE HISTORIANS’ debate with all of his usual care. He wore green, for spring, with a waistcoat embroidered with jonquils. In deference to the gravity of the occasion, the green was dark, and he wore no lace.
Ellen Kushner -
Dream big. Find what makes you happy, and pursue it as you would food and warmth. You deserve it. And if you don’t, then do what it takes to become worthy of it.
Ellen Kushner
Honest change? Honest? Has someone altered the definition of the word while my back was turned, or have you recently developed a sense of humor?
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I let the insults go by. A good swordsman doesn't pay attention to words in a fight.
Ellen Kushner -
Is this politics? I suppose I am going to have to learn all about it, if I am to run Lord Ferris's household, and throw parties and all. Now...explain to me again just who hates who, and why?
Ellen Kushner -
He had nothing against debauchery in the abstract, but he was particular about the details.
Ellen Kushner -
She is all that is gracious, Her spirit is comely, The work of her hands is fair.
Ellen Kushner -
Yo-Yo Ma and Bobby McFerrin together again for the first time.
Ellen Kushner