If I could go back in time, I would have loved to have done more with Triple H. He blossomed into a bigger star after I left. I regret, looking back now, that we didn't have more matches or better matches or at least one pay-per-view match where we could have really showed our best stuff - or, at least, I did.
I could only be frustrated right from the day I started in WCW and realized that it was a company run by a bunch of idiots that didn't have a clue what they were doing.
I suffered a stroke in 2002 that made everything else in my life that happened to that point pale in comparison.
A lot of people don't realize how severe a concussion injury is. You have to listen to the doctors. You have to be really careful about them.
Since retiring, there's only been one time I actually dreamed about wrestling. In my dream, I was wrestling against Kurt Angle. I had him clamped in a headlock. I was breathing hard, and I remember telling myself, 'This is only a dream. It's not real.' But the longer I held Kurt in a headlock, I started to believe it was real.
I think the best wrestling always needs to pretend to be real, and Vince Russo's wrestling is so pathetically far-fetched and phony that I think he does a disservice to his wrestlers and the business.
I was a high school wrestler. I was city champion.
The Undertaker stood up for what was right. He earned everything he got.
I never trained in pro wrestling with The Sheik, but I did amateur wrestling with pro wrestlers in my dad's basement.
I always took a lot of pride in being a safe wrestle. I never injured anyone.
Eric Bischoff is a total, complete idiot, maybe the single stupidest idiot that ever got into wrestling.
I jumped at the chance to be a part of Stroke Recovery Canada. I want to help March of Dimes Canada in its efforts to support stroke recovery and improve the quality of life of all Canadian stroke survivors.
I'm living every day that it could be my last, and I'm grateful for every day.
The feud with Jerry Lawler was one of the best feuds I ever had. He was the perfect heel and kept his heat. People hated him.
Did you ever notice that America is shaped like one big, giant toilet bowl?
I often run into wrestlers at comic conventions or wrestling events, and it could be Tito Santana or Demolition, and I'm just flooded with memories. It's always nice to see one of your old mates, especially the ones who I knew from further back.
I hope Seth Rollins becomes the safest, best wrestler in the world. And I wish him all the luck in the world.
I had so many wonderful guys that I worked with and great matches - that's what was most important to me - and the fans.
Triple H is a former bodybuilder. He's all about bodies. He thought that Hulk Hogan was the greatest wrestler in the world. They think Ultimate Warrior was the greatest wrestler in the world because that's what they're attracted to, but he's not really a wrestling fan like I grew up. I was a wrestling fan.
I've taken up sculpting. I thought it might help the nerves in my hands.
My father was a man's man and was always respected for being a straight shooter. My dad always had an amazing sense of calm about him.
I think Daniel Bryan reminds me a lot of my brother, Owen.
If I was going to build a logical defense for myself in a match against Hulk Hogan, I think I would try to work on his legs. Take out any mobility.
Flair was a tricky guy to work with when I worked with Ric. When he was champion, we had much better matches, and the moment the title got switched, we seemed to screw up my match every night.