An eagle uses the negative energy of a storm to fly even higher.
You can have, you can be, you can do whatever you want to do once you make the decision, so that would be my greatest piece of advice.
To get to that next level, you gotta learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I'm like the LION, i'm not the GAZELLE.
Reading allows us to learn, see, do things that we could never have done with our own knowledge.
If you find something greater than yourself, to move you! Then you will make every single dream, become a reality!
When you do what you're supposed to do, each door opens up maybe 10-15 other doors.
Everyone wants to shine bright like a diamond, but no one wants to get cut.
You'll never be successful until I don't have to give you a dime to do what you do.
Your dream will not become a reality until you shift from Very Important to an Emergency!
You cannot sleep with the enemy and be successful...Every cord that binds you to failure, every cord that binds you to fear, you gotta cut it!
To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what you are, for what you will become.
Where there is no struggle, there is absolutely no progress.
You can change environments, but until you change yourself, nothing else will ever change.
Stop whining. You're not a victim. You're a victor.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.
Sometimes success breeds apathy. Sometimes when you're doing quite well for yourself you're not as tough as you need to be.
No Alarm Clock Needed. My Passion Wakes Me.
Apply the ABC’s of success to your life. Ask, Believe and Claim It.
Work! Look at the secrets to success, look at your family, your community, your culture, take a look at what they have done to be successful and don't fool yourself. Don't think that you are going to get success on discount.
Success is never on discount! Greatness is never on sale! Greatness is never half off! It's all or nothing! It's all day, every day! Greatness is never on discount!
Las Vegas doesn't allow tourism to dictate the social norms of their community. We don't have to be a boring town that no one is willing to come to. But we can't let tourism be the reason for not taking action. Accountability is not there. As a community we can be different. We don't have to be what our visitors are. We can work at policies that will make us a vibrant healthy resort community.
Remember, a negative multiplied by a negative is only positive in maths, not in the real world.
I started as a GED instructor, I created my own GED program, and I realized that a lot of young people that don’t do well academically. It’s not that they don’t have the competency to do it or the skill set to do it; it’s just that they weren’t motivated to learn. They weren’t interested in school, so I started just talking to students and just really going in on them like, “Yo, this is life or death.”