You are the most powerful force in your life.
Even if you get to be a CEO, you’ll still walk into a room with the attitude of “You guys are all so much smarter than me—that’s why you’re here, so I’ll just toss out a couple of ideas.” People love that. Who doesn’t love respect? The best leaders don’t just fake it till they make it; they fake it after they make it, but in the other direction.
Why was the public so forgiving? Partly because everybody was still in love with the legacy of Steve Jobs, who was never the world’s most diplomatic guy (in fact, he may have invented Cheat 5 about pissing people off) but was somebody who never got accused of not giving a shit. People knew he lived and breathed his products, and in a world of depersonalized, manipulative commerce, that was exactly what it took to build brand loyalty, and in turn create the most golden of opportunities: the second chance. When you get a do-over on your screw-ups, you can almost always find the fix.
Creativity is a compilation of things we've seen.
A little shock value goes a long way in letting people know where you stand and that you care, and if you do it with a good heart it builds respect around you. You’re the guy who says stuff other people won’t. It can even make you lovable. Comedians have known that forever. The cheat becomes even more effective when you add a spoiler. By that I mean you sort of announce that you’re going to piss somebody off by saying something like, “No offense, but…” or “You may not want to hear this, but…,” then come out with the zinger. What can they do? If they get pissed, then they’re the asshole, because hey, you warned them. And if they’re an asshole, you probably don’t want to do business with them anyway, so you might as well say what’s on your mind.
Going to class every day with kids several years older than me pushed me not just socially but mentally. I got to be very comfortable with the feeling of “What the hell is going on here?” because the answer was always “Whatever it is, it’s pretty awesome, because I’m now learning things I didn’t even know existed.” I became a member of the Fake It Till You Make It club, which is a Cheat in and of itself.
A law of behavioral psychology says that you can’t be in a state of appreciation and a state of fear at the same time, and since the most successful of entrepreneurs are almost fearless, they must have the ability to appreciate what they’ve got, the ability to be grateful to be doing something interesting and fun. When you’re having fun, when you appreciate the things you have, you stop worrying about success and failure...
If you can do everything in your job without struggling, not only will you get stuck in your slot but you’ll never flex your mind muscles, and pretty soon they’ll start to atrophy.
Real entrepreneurs do what they say they're going to do, wannabes ask about it and have tons and tons of coffee meetings.
There is a 114% increase in happiness when receiving rewards via mobile marketing.
Go wild and let go. Usually the most audacious ideas are the ones that get noticed.