Bronislaw Malinowski Quotes
Quotes to Explore
For me, books have been a life-long resource-to learning, laughter, solace, excitement, inspiration. At your library, the world awaits you, free for the asking.
Lady Bird Johnson
Torture is something that happens between two people, the torturer and the victim. The victim is made to taste death without actually dying. He is subjected to atrocious pain and begs his torturer to kill him. He's even ready to forgive the torturer as long as he kills him.
Saadi Yacef
A person who, because he has corns himself, always treads on other people's toes.
Oscar Wilde
London is full of women who trust their husbands. One can always recognize them. They look so thoroughly unhappy.
Oscar Wilde
Opportunity never sneaks up on those who straddle the fence of indecision.
Napoleon Hill
[On alcohol:] Total abstinence is an impossibility and ... it will not do to insist on it as a general practice.
Queen Victoria