I've always loved playing live shows. I love traveling, seeing the country. I've made a lot of lifelong friends on the road at shows. It's so neat to see that so many of our fans have become friends. There are these nice little groups of "X People" everywhere.
I don't really like L.A. much anymore. It's a hideous city. The weather's nice sometimes. It's just too crowded for me and too claustrophobic and too aggressive and too scary, and too chaotic. Did I say chaotic already? I like the country. I like quiet.
I don't want to change the way I write my songs, I like the way I write my songs, so I keep 'em the same. I'd like to write more country songs, but other than that, I'm pretty good where I am.
When people get cancer now, the first thing you do is you go to some doctors to get some advice, figure out what to do. People live a long long life after a cancer diagnosis. Not that it's not scary. The people I know have done so many stupid things. And they're still alive. Just being alive at this point is kind of icing on the cake.
There are always fights in a band. People get together for these reunion shows after 20 years, and they play a couple shows and break up again.
I don't surround myself with anybody, really. I have friends, but I'm kind of an isolationist now. I kind of work on my own.
Mostly it's just finding things that were distinctively local, which you don't find very much anymore.
I'm very American. I love our culture. I love the pieces, the most mundane stuff about our culture, and I think you can make the best art out of an ordinary item that is usually thrown away or people don't care about.