The only place to go now is into the context. If you can find it. Between the context and the content, between the mainline and the hardline, falls the shadow.
He had the sudden urge to put his arms around her, but the look on her face said that if he made a move toward her, she would move away, and maybe she would keep moving away from him until the distance between them was too great to cross again in one lifetime.
I took this 'how to build computers' course basically because I'm sick and tired of getting ripped off by cheesy computer companies. Software baffles me. I like hardware. I used to change my own oil, and now I want to build my own computer so I can have what I want.
What I have found most surprising is the amount of damage we have done to environment in the course of my lifetime - not even five and a half decades.
My best friend Rosemarie and I had a very involved secret life when we were in elementary school. After we saw 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' on TV, we invented a whole secret life in which we were twins from the planet Venus, and we were in charge of the entire solar system as well as Earth.
Keep your best whiskey in a bottle marked ‘mouthwash.’
Cyberpunk was really a reaction against old boy sci-fi which was about white guys in space who would come up with some kind of technological thing.
Truth and information are not the same thing! And neither are reality and state of existence!
I used to think that, by the 21st century, cars would run on electricity rather than gasoline and would have guidance systems so that they actually drove themselves. Specially equipped roadways would transmit instructions to the cars, telling them where to go and how fast. I figured this would be in the lines painted on the roads.
Most people who are on the inside of a technology have no idea what it's like to look at from an end user's point of view. This is why they have focus groups. I'm really familiar with this because I worked 10 years for Hallmark Cards in the U.S.
Today’s hard news stories were yesterday’s dystopian SF. Rereading
the theorem of incompleteness . . . [shows] there is nothing on this level of existence that can fully explain this level of existence.
I'm old enough to remember when the polio vaccine was still new. Also, it hadn't been that long since most people who caught pneumonia died from it. These medical breakthroughs were practically miracles.
In my last year at Hallmark, we finally began putting verses on computer. It had been all in filing cabinets on index cards. They had to assign a 4 digit serial number to each sentiment, for each area of feeling.
If you can’t fuck it, and it doesn’t dance, eat it or throw it away.
They’re not even lovers,’ said Dolby. ‘They told the news. They’re just very best friends who have found that the person they each want to be is a combination of the two of them.’ I was lagging several beats behind them. ‘“Compatible.” Why do you think they’re compatible?’ ‘Are you kidding? Aren’t you compatible with yourself?’ I gave a short laugh. ‘Depends on who you ask.’ ‘Well, you can’t imagine. The Joy of Congruence is completely beyond you.’ ‘I hope you won’t be offended if I take that as a compliment.’ As soon as I said it, the word lit up in my head. Except it was spelled complement.
Perhaps this is because I'm from the generation that grew up watching 'The Jetsons' on TV, but I really thought we would be much more advanced in the areas of transportation and medicine.
Retiring young isn't for everybody, even if you think it is. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Fly Heisenberg Airlines – we don’t know where we are, but we’re making damned good time.
The Beater has still been young enough to feel immortal, at least on his better days. It was all, Wow, if we don’t slow down, we’re gonna die before we get old, except somehow it hadn’t happened that way. So they’d all assumed it never would, not dying, not getting old-hell, not even growing up.
Ninety percent of life was being there, and the rest was being there on time.
If you’re really going to die on me, you could at least rub my neck before you go.
Nothing stays the same, Gina, nothing works forever. If I don’t like it, that’s too bad. If you don’t like it, that’s still too bad.
Fez gave her a squeeze. 'You’re a genius, Sam-I-Am.' She squirmed away from him uncomfortably. 'It just makes sense, is all.''Sometimes that’s all it takes to be a genius.'