Love is the only cause of happiness. Its nature is all-pervasive like space. Love is the sunlight of the mind
Whether you are Buddhist or not, whether you practice a religion or not, you have a mind, temporarily and all causes of happiness and suffering are in this mind.
Attachment is the main thing that is blocking your path towards enlightenment.
If you receive empowerment, it's about bodhicitta. If you receive teachings, it's about bodhicitta. If you practice teachings, it's about bodhicitta. Everything comes down to bodhicitta. The essence of practice is about bodhicitta. When you sit down to do your practice, what you practice is bodhicitta.
The only cause of happiness is love. The only cause of suffering is self grasping.
We suffer without a choice. We do not want to suffer and we try everything to be happy but the suffering happens regardless of our wishes and we cannot do anything about it.
The only cause of happiness is love and the only cause of suffering is attachment to the ego (the continuing need to satisfy the self). If you understand this, you understand the work of Karma, cause and effect, perfectly. All suffering without exception comes from the desire for one's own personal happiness.
Anyen Rinpoche is a compassionate embodiment of wisdom. The skillful teachings in The Tibetan Yoga of Breath will be a source of peace and happiness for many in these troubled times, for which I am very grateful.