Children desperately need to know - and to hear in ways they understand and remember - that they're loved and valued by mom and dad.
Life is relationships; the rest is just details.
Make it your goal to create a marriage that feels like the safest place on earth.
We can choose how we will participate in relationships, we have no choice about whether we will participate in them.
Not forgiving somebody is like drinking poison and hoping that the offender will get sick.
If a man truly wants to communicate with his wife, he must enter her world of emotions.
Love is a decision. Not always an easy one.
How do you show up for your relationships? Are you healthy or crippled? Are you prepared or needy? Are you ready to give or too tired to talk?
You have a choice about how you react when someone pushes your fear button. No one else controls how you think. No one else controls how you react. You alone do that.
In a relationship I can influence—but not control—the thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behavior of another.
God specializes in impossible situations.