Walking around without makeup all the time! I know that you should not do, but this is what I like to do and now it's really comfortable and fun. In this chaos is really nice to have someone where you can sit on the couch and not worry about it.
You know, you have everything you want and nobody to share it with, and that's kind of lonely. It was tough for me to admit that. I'm good now though, between this role and the guy, I'm literally the happiest I've ever been.
I had no cares. I was one of those kids: ‘If you laugh at me, laugh at me.’ I don’t have that censor, which is important in this business because you’re constantly told: ‘Gosh, you didn’t look very good. You don’t look pretty in that scene, or you didn’t do that right, or you’d look so much better if your hair looked lighter.’ You really have to have tough skin or you’d end up like a heaping, crying mess all the time.