I wish for the thing that is best for me.
I'm not interested in making what's easy. I'm interested in making what's beautiful.
I am hard on myself. But isn't it better to be honest about these things before someone else can use them against you? Before someone else can break your heart? Isn't it better to break it yourself?
I didn't know it was possible to simultaneously hate and ache for someone.
I don’t understand why things always go from perfect to weird with us. It’s like we’re incapable of normal human interaction.
You read a lot. - Safer than going on a real adventure
Perfect is overrated. Perfect is boring." I smile. "You don't think I'm perfect?" "No. You're delightfully screwy, and I wouldn't have you any other way.
Because that's the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don't want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. I want to cloak myself under its heavy weight and breathe it into my lunges. I want to nurture it, grow it, cultivate it. It's mine. I want to check out with it, drift asleep wrapped in its arms and not wake up for a long, long time.
I know you aren't perfect. But it's a person's imperfections that make them perfect for someone else.
You ought to stop listening to stereotypes and start forming your own opinions.
It's ridiculous how difficult a question can be when the answer means so much.
I've always thought the best relationships are those that are as happy and content in silence as they are in action ...
So what do I wish for? Something I'm not sure I want? Someone I'm not sure I need? Or someone I know I can't have?
What my parents never considered is that I just wanted a choice.