There are only those you can live with, and those you can work to change.
It's not the physical scars that are the most painful.
Do not lose your heart to a faery prince. It never ends well.
A little warning would’ve been nice. You couldn’t have said, ‘Hey, as part of your training today, I’m going to beat you senseless’?
I like all my characters in one way or another, or at least I understand them.
I've always wanted the IQ of a rock. No, wait. That would be an insult to the rock.
Metallic trees. That's new. If you see any steel dryads, be sure to tell me so I can run away screaming.
It was fine and good to be defiant to the end, but it was better not to get caught in the first place.
I know what it’s like to miss someone. To feel like you’re just…wandering around, lost.
How easy it is to forget grudges when someone has something you need.
Overall, Id say I was an awesome bookseller, but probably not the best book shelver. I loved recommending books and helping people find books.
You're here, and the only dance I want is this one.
You will always be a monster - there is no turning back from it. But what kind of monster you become is entirely up to you.
When I wrote my first story, all the characters were teenagers because I think 16, 17 is a great age.