In my story you're the villain. But in my heart, you're still the reigning King.
Life is wonderful when you're the one to write it.
I pull away, you pull me back, you grab my hand and wrap me around. What you did not know is—– my heart is my hand.
You break me the hardest, make me the strongest, and keep me the softest.
You can only use someone for so long before you dry them out. How long does a muse last? When do you let them loose?
I miss your silent stature, your avoided days of disaster, your present state of distress. I’m cinnamon, cloves and fire, you are the rested cedarwood of desire.
...I feel like a traitor, a phony, a fake. But I am a hypocrite with the best intentions, and I need kissing desperately.
Fuck you perfectionism. Without you, I am brilliant.
When you miss someone....it’s weird…your body doesn’t function normally..as it should. Because I miss you, and my heart…it’s not steady…my soul it sings numb. Fingers are cold…like you…your soul.
...just friends, over and over you said it again—-then you kissed me.
And why is it that time speeds and slows depending on your attendance? I’d like a steady clock, a reliable clock, isolated from the progressive beating of my heart.
He's a gypsy killer. He has a special gypsy killing knife.
When we are in love, we are convinced nobody else will do. But as time goes, others do do, and often do do, much much better.
I love you, with no beginning, no end. I love you as you have become an extra necessary organ in my body. I love you as only a girl could love a boy. Without fear. Without expectations. Wanting nothing in return, except that you allow me to keep you here in my heart, that I may always know your strength, your eyes, and your spirit that gave me freedom and let me fly.
Elegant writers depict intricacy with simplicity.
Make your choice and make it quick, either build a real heart, or get out of my way QUICK.
You tear me down just to build me up again. All I can think is: you are a psycho-clown.
But every spiteful word she ever wrote him was effortless love clenched in her fists. Her heart screaming for stability in this fiery game of desire.
No heartbreak has grieved me as much to discover, the calorie content of my peanut butter.
I pretended to be an open book, but I was closed off and conceited.
...you’re in my blood spreading through my heart— pumping me numb.
Your psychotic behavior and constant temper tantrums intrigue me.
Peanut butter is my frenemy.
Maybe she had it wrong all this time and her empty heart could never be filled by his ingenious broken spirit. Maybe this yearning had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with her.