God calls us to duty, and the only right answer is obedience...whether we ourselves get enjoyment and blessing from the task or not, the call must be obeyed...It is better to obey blunderingly than not to obey at all.
In the East — in Greece and Syria and Egypt — the Romans had conquered countries which had ancient and splendid traditions, and were more civilized than their conquerors.
The temples had been deserted and the venerable liturgies forgotten. But this was only one of the ebb-tides in the ever-moving sea of human life. The years of spiritual dearth were followed by years of spiritual plenty. The first three centuries of the Christian era were marked by a general enthusiasm for religion. Christian began in the midst of a religious revival.
The first step toward happiness is to determine to be happy.
And thus was kept the first Christmas, the Christmas in the year one, with carols by the choir of heaven, and God's own Son, the Saviour of the world, coming as a Christmas gift for all mankind.
To be thoroughly and abidingly happy is not only to get what we all instinctively desire, but to fulfill the purpose of our nature.