The thirst for knowledge is like a piece of ass you know you shouldn't chase; in the end, you chase it just the same.
I'm a better writer now because I've worked very hard at getting better. My long-range goal will always be to write better books.
The most popular American fiction seems to be about successful people who win, and good crime fiction typically does not explore that world. But honestly, if all crime fiction was quality fiction, it would be taken more seriously.
The crime part is the engine that moves the narrative and allows me to write the other things I want to write about.
I live in a blue-collar neighborhood, and if anyone knows what I do for a living, they don't seem to care.
We get schooled by the people around us, and it stays inside us deep.
We remember when women were spoken of differently. I don't mean that we didn't speak of women sexually - that happened. It was never this crude: there wasn't the connotations, the violence. I think there's got to be a relationship between the coarsening of the culture, of which pornography was a piece of the puzzle.
If the storytellers told it true, all stories would end in death.