To my mind, what we ought to have maintained from the beginning was the strictest neutrality. If we had done this, I do not believe we would have been on the verge of war at the present time.
First, we could have defied both of them and could have gone to war against both of these nations for this violation of international law and interference with our neutral rights.
I think we ought to take the world as it is and not as we would like to have it.
And when it is done, we ought to follow the example by disarming ourselves.
If the world is disarmed, and remains disarmed, there will be no more world wars.
There is not much danger of the smaller nations if the big nations will behave.
During practically all of my public life, I have been a sincere advocate of an agreement between the leading nations of the world to set up all the necessary international machinery that would bring about a practical abolition of war between civilized nations.
Great wealth took possession of the government. It was reflected in Mr. Harding's selection of a cabinet.