This discourse, and the present frame of my mind, lead me rather to speak to those, who by feeling Satan's fiery darts, know assuredly that there is a devil.
Nothing is more generally known than our duties which belong to Christianity; and yet, how amazing is it, nothing is less practiced?
It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher.
To preach more than half an hour, a man should be an angel himself or have angels for hearers.
Fight the good fight of faith, and God will give you spiritual mercies.
Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.
At the day of judgment we shall all meet again.
You see, my brethren, my heart is full; I could almost say it is too big to speak, and yet too big to be silent, without dropping a word to you.