Not only does the world scarcely know who the Latin American man is, the world has barely cared.
It was when reporters became journalists and when objectivity gave way to searching for truth, that an aura of distrust and fear arose around the New Journalist.
The more revolutions occur, the less things change.
I truly believe that women of my generation can bring a new cleansing element to American public life.
The world's culture is changing, adapting. People are keeping what's good in a culture, and sweeping out the rest.
We should not and cannot change all our differences. Each of us brings from our own background things which we should share. There is good in diversity.
The United States must keep what it has - diversity and tolerance - which make us what we are.
An idea is growing in foreign policy circles in Washington ... that there is no turning back. We are stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan for 25 to 40 years, we are embedded in our prideful unilateralism, and nothing can return us to more traditional American values and principles of action. The hubristic creators of this "inevitability" planned it this way. ... Their failures in Iraq have not stopped the fanatic, power-hungry neoconservatives. ... The hard-liners who dominate this administration ... have led us to eternal conflict with Muslims.