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Only one thing remains unchanged: contradictions between nations and states are still resolved not by words, but by missiles. Not by word. But by war.
Politics is like bad cinema — people overact, take it too far. When I speak with politicians, I see this in their facial expressions, their eyes, the way they squint. I look at things like a producer. I would often watch a scene on the monitor, and the director and I would yell, ‘Stop, no more, this is unwatchable! No one will believe this.’
There should be more power for the people.
In today's world, where we live, there is no longer someone else’s war. None of you can feel safe when there is a war in Ukraine, when there is a war in Europe.
You can't think of the global and close your eyes to the details.
We have two wars - a war with Russia, and a war against corruption within the country, which is a threat, above all, to the economy of Ukraine.
I voted for Poroshenko. But I was wrong. Could I imagine that his ‘living in a new way’ would mean ‘surviving?’ That’s why I’m here. With my team. I’m not a politician, I’m just a man. A regular guy who came here to break the system.
Throughout the country, we have proven that we have dignity. We were not afraid of water cannons and batons when they came. And some were not afraid of sniper bullets. Then across the country, we learnt what the Heavenly Hundred is. And then war came to our land, and the whole country faced it.
In order to be successful and competitive in today's world, we must develop and bring to life progressive ideas by harnessing the latest technology and innovation. Together - let’s turn Ukraine into the largest startup hub in Europe! Today and every day.
Look at us — everything is possible.