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Always be yourself. There's only one you. You should embrace anything that you don't like about yourself because that's individual and that's you.
I try never to compare myself to other people. I just think this is who I am. You are happier when you think that way.
When I was younger I got bullied about the way I looked and I thought once I was older it would stop. I hated going to school, but didn't know who to talk to about it. It knocked my confidence a lot.
You don't have to be perfect to be a popstar.
Your insecurities are what makes you different and who you are. If we all were the same, it'd be boring.
I'm not going on a diet, I'm not trying to lose weight, because your insecurities are what make you different and if everyone looked the same, it'd be boring.
If you want to wear something, all that matters is that you love it, not what other people think. Learn to love yourself!
Just wear what you want, if you like something that's all that matters. Dress for yourself not for other people.