For me personally, The Organic Creative Process helped me to discover what kind of actor I want to be; but this is a process that goes beyond acting. It actually revealed to me what I want to do in my life and that I have to work hard to make it real.
I want to be spontaneous like a wild animal.
Find a good teacher, don't betray yourself to succeed and be a better person before being a better actor.
Perfektion? Being the most human you can be.
I would rather remember even if sometimes it can be very painful.
I believe that nowadays we are in the process of establishing a new relationship between humanity, creativity and nature.
A great many a drop of water will create a creek.
Average acting is like jerking without an orgasm.
We know how we were born, but know not how we will die.
Wine making is an artistic creation in which you deal with a variety of styles, colors, and inspiration therefore good wine, like good art, can evoke emotions, sensations and create an experience which leaves a lasting impression.
Sometimes I wonder if it does exist such a thing called personality.
Creating the kind of connections between people that lead to collective civic action, political expression, community dialogue, shared cultural experiences.
“The sound of the human voice is the best of nature but only if it comes out from the feelings.”