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I am convinced that everyone can develop a good heart and a sense of universal responsibility with or without religion.
Dalai Lama -
Irrespective of whether we are believers or agnostics, whether we believe in God or karma, moral ethics is a code which everyone is able to pursue.
Dalai Lama
Spiritual practice . . . involves, on the one hand, acting out of concern for others' well-being. On the other, it entails transforming ourselves so that we become more readily disposed to do so.
Dalai Lama -
Now you are on the Buddhist way. Keep up your meditation, as there is no instant illumination. The mind moves slowly into this. Do not become attached to your method. When, in the course of your meditation, your consciousness will have expanded and been transformed, you will then recognize that all the ways are valid ways.
Dalai Lama -
Sometimes, whether a desire is excessive or negative depends on the circumstances or society in which you live in.
Dalai Lama -
I would like to explain the meaning of compassion, which is often misunderstood. Genuine compassion is based not on our own projections and expectations, but rather on the rights of the other: irrespective of whether another person is a close friend
Dalai Lama -
Peace has a great deal to do with warm-heartednes s and respect for the lives of others, avoiding doing them harm and regarding their lives as being as precious as our own. If, on that basis, we can also be of help to others, so much the better.
Dalai Lama -
No matter what part of the world we come from, we are all basically the same human beings. We all seek happiness and try to avoid suffering. We have the same basic human needs and concerns. All of us human beings want freedom and the right to determine our own destiny as individuals and as peoples. That is human nature.
Dalai Lama
A genuine transformation that results from sustained concerted effort is long lasting because it has a firm foundation.
Dalai Lama -
There is no need to mention the great difference between the amount of satisfaction there is in just oneself being happy and the amount of satisfaction there is in an infinite number of people being happy.
Dalai Lama -
We have never declared war on China. We have only asked them to leave us in peace, to let us have our natural freedom.
Dalai Lama -
Many people and companies only have one goal: money, money, and more money. Greed is ok when you let others profit from it, but greed for oneself is bad, it makes you ill.
Dalai Lama -
It is crucial that we realize the great value of human existence, the opportunity and the potential that our brief lives afford us. It is only as humans that we have the possibility of implementing changes in our lives.
Dalai Lama -
Cultivating inner discipline is something that takes time; expecting rapid results is simply a sign of impatience.
Dalai Lama
Overcoming negative tendencies and enhancing positive potential are the very essence of the spiritual path.
Dalai Lama -
Even if only a few individuals try to create mental peace and happiness within themselves, and act responsibly and kind-heartedly towards others, they will have a positive influence in their community.
Dalai Lama -
Just as rust, which arose from the iron itself, wears out the iron, likewise, performing an action without examination would destroy us by projecting us into a negative state of existence.
Dalai Lama -
The more we think of others, the happier we are. The more we think of ourselves, the more suffering we feel.
Dalai Lama -
Ketika kita masih kecil dan setelah kita lanjut usia, kita sangat tergantung kepada orang-orang lain. Di antara masa itu, kita merasa bisa melakukan segala sesuatu tanpa bantuan orang lain, sehingga menganggap perhatian sesama tidak penting. Padahal dalam tahap ini perlu sekali bagi kita untuk memelihara cinta kasih yang mendalam antar sesama manusia.
Dalai Lama -
Without mutual tolerance emerging as the foundation, terrible situations like those of Tibet and Sri Lanka, Bosnia and Rwanda, can never be effectively improved.
Dalai Lama
Once your mind is calm and full of love, there is no room for hatred or fear. Others will trust you because of your open heart.
Dalai Lama -
The world has also learned that economic growth, by itself, cannot close the gap between rich and poor.
Dalai Lama -
I believe that whether a person follows any religion or not is unimportant, he or she must have a good heart, a warm heart.
Dalai Lama -
We need to strengthen such inner values as contentment, patience and tolerance, as well as compassion for others. Keeping in mind that it is expressions of affection rather than money and power that attract real friends, compassion is the key to ensuring our own well-being.
Dalai Lama