I want to marry after traveling alone, meeting many people, and experiencing a variety of things, and when I'm certain I can be responsible of myself.
When I was younger, I wanted to marry early, like at 23. Year by year, I found things I wanted to do, and the thought of marriage disappeared. But I don't want to marry too late. Around 31?
Many fans were surprised when they learned that the little girl in drama 'Stairway To Heaven' was me.
I was going to finish my university degree after finishing 'The Tailors,' but 'Pinocchio' made me to take another semester off.
I don't think badly of or oppose having plastic surgery. I once seriously thought of it, but I decided to take my appearance as it is.
I actually felt like I was starting a new career as a news reporter while playing in 'Pinocchio.'
While make-up helps to enhance one's features, too much of it tends to hide a person's features.
Due to my hectic work schedule, I hardly have enough sleep, and my skin tends to look dull. Facial masks are my savior, as it helps to brighten and hydrate my skin.
I wanted to get some nose job, because I don't like how my nose tip looks. My hand is also not as pretty, especially my thumb nails. Many people told me that I have ugly hands.
I am not a slim person, so I regularly exercise to be healthy mentally and physically.
I cannot believe that 'Pinocchio' is over yet, and I always think about so many great memories that I made while playing in the drama.
Less make-up is better, and it's always better to let your natural beauty shine. Essentially, be happy with your appearance.
Quite many people have ugly hands, and I thought I should not feel ashamed about it.
I used to like humorous people in the past, but these days, I like serious people more.
Unlike my previous roles, which portrayed girls who are supportive and loving, Hye-jung is a cold loner who doesn't know how to love.
In the past, I used to tell everyone that I have never had a boyfriend, because I was still quite young. However, I cannot say the same thing now.
My face is not perfect. Because my nose is not sharp, many people suggested I should get my nose done.
If somebody has too much stress about their appearance, they can overcome their inferiority complex through surgery.
Of course I have had a boyfriend. However, I was way too busy while taking care of myself, and I could not show a better care for my boyfriend. I found myself getting more and more egocentric, and I was not a good girlfriend at all.
Jung Yong-hwa and I know so much about each other, I think it would be difficult for us to start a romantic relationship.