A woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy also deserves to experience unplanned joy.
Boys wear their hearts on their sleeves. Even when they're trying to pull one over on you they're so transparent. Like men.
God will open any doors he wants to open, and if He closes doors, that's fine, too.
There's enough hard stuff going on in people's lives, and you really need that joy that laughter can bring. I don't have to put that in a Christian compartment.
Anytime anybody is rude, it makes me double-check my own behavior to make sure I don't do that to other people.
I'm sort of a slob.
I have always believed that when you're feeling sorry for yourself, the best thing to do is help someone else.
Most of my friends from college became dental hygienists or went into retail, a lot went into sales. They all started getting married and having kids and buying homes and I was still living like a college student.
It's hard enough to work and raise a family when your kids are all healthy and relatively normal, but when you add on some kind of disability or disease, it can just be such a burden.
I'm not good at accepting help.
But I think boys ultimately are easier than girls.
Some people are cool with the fact that their bodies bear witness to this great thing they produced, their children, and I understand that. But on a personal level, it makes me feel better that my breasts are not down to my knees when I'm undressed in front of my husband.
Home life is a foreign environment for most guys. So it's natural to show them being idiots at home.
I've always been an independent person, but that independence was in the setting of security.
I just have always felt that I think we know that it's an ensemble show, and it's very hard to pick a show to submit when you're nominated, because usually everyone has a very strong part in every episode.
And I find it very easy to memorize the scripts, which are so close to conversations my husband and I have.
I think there's a difference when you make fun of yourself and your own behavior, and when you dishonor or disrespect Christ. If you're making a mockery of Christ is one thing. But if you're just joking about human foibles and weaknesses, I think that's perfectly acceptable.
Men are very competent in their workplace - and this is going to sound sexist - women are better at running households and juggling lots of things, kids and scheduling and that kind of thing.
My mother-in-law was with me during all four of my births and when she was sitting next to me holding my hand during the cesareans, well, I craved that.
As a child, I would put on shows in my neighborhood with friends and perform Barbra Streisand songs for my classmates.
You kind of think people get sick of you after a while, but apparently not.
What I found in the Protestant faith was that your salvation is secure, and that the rest is process.
I was not an easy kid.
I've found that people feel very free to say insulting things, not about me personally, but about the things I believe. It's sad, because I really could care less where people are coming from, politically, religiously.