Anthony Bourdain Quotes
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Always remember that the most important thing in a good marriage is not happiness, but stability.
A British porch is a musty, forbidding non-room in which to fling a sodden umbrella or a muddy pair of boots; a guard against the elements and strangers. By contrast the good ol' American front porch seems to stand for positivity and openness; a platform from which to welcome or wave farewell; a place where things of significance could happen.
My first Comic-Con was when I first met Joss Whedon: He introduced me to that world and I'd never been to a convention before that. He and a bunch of the 'Buffy' and 'Angel' writers were all going down in a big van and he invited me along.
I'm not good with catty girls. I'm too laid-back.
If I hadn't spent many years trying to be as compassionate as Mother Teresa, as positive a thinker as W. Clement Stone, as prolific a writer as Stephen King, and as good a speaker as many of the legends I have studied, I would not be as successful as I am today.
It's always good news when you're closer to the truth.
You have to feel good in what you're wearing; if you don't feel good it's not going to look good. You ever see someone wear something that's crazy and say, 'That's so crazy!' But they look good in it, because they feel good in it - you can just tell.
It's good to make your own things because you can have control of your own art.
I never was able to do karate. That's calling me a good actor. I act like I can do anything.
I worked for the Office of Management and Budget in the White House, on nuclear energy policy. But I decided it would be much more fun to have a specialty food store, so I left Washington D.C. and moved to the Hamptons. And how glad I am that I did!
Mike Tyson would have been a good sparring partner for me and Muhammad Ali because Tyson was a fast fighter and he could punch and throw good combinations.
Good writers are in the business of leaving signposts saying, Tour my world, see and feel it through my eyes; I am your guide.
I lived through the Fifties in the Midwest when everything that was happening - the repression of homosexuality, for instance, the demonization of the Left, the giggly, soporific ordinariness of adolescence, the stone-deafness to the social injustice all around us - seemed not only unobjectionable but also nonexistent.
Acting doesn't feel good. It's not comfortable to feel all this stuff, it's not.
I do have a priority in my house, and that is I want my kids to be healthy, and if I give them the right food, I am headed consistently toward that goal.
I think a lot of actors will tell you that playing a villain can be more fun than playing the straight and narrow good guy.
If we live good lives, the times are also good. As we are, such are the times.
If you love food and you love red wine and they put you in France, you're in a good place and you're in a bad place at the same time. You have to weigh yourself every day, and you have to have an alarm number. When you get to that number, you have to start putting it in reverse.
A system of bus rapid transit is not only dedicated lanes. You have to have really good boarding conditions - that means paying before entering the bus and boarding at the same level. And at the same time having a good schedule and frequency.
Perfume is pretty good because nobody has to hold the product by their face or use it.
Good music is good music.
From America's schools, religion has been relentlessly purged. No prayers, no Bibles, no Christian symbols, no Ten Commandments.
Another thing I like to do is sit back and take in nature. To look at the birds, listen to their singing, go hiking, camping and jogging and running, walking along the beach, playing games and sometimes being alone with the great outdoors. It's very special to me.
Good food does lead to sex. As it should.