I found it hard to express myself in the world. I was very shy. I'm still very shy. But also, when I was a child, I could get very... I had this violence... I still get angry. But I don't break things; I'm not hysterical.
Male directors always project their own desire of women - how they want a woman to dress, to do her hair. With a woman director, it's more a projection of herself.
In America, they are very respectful of your work. People are not judgmental. They like difference - to be different is a force. In France, you have to be like the girl next door.
This is why I became an actress. So that people will take care of me. To be an actress is a refuge. You are taken everywhere, stay in wonderful hotels, everyone looks after you.
Actually, I started to become an actress because I met someone who was just a friend and I found his life wonderful, I thought, Oh my god, you can travel, you're free, you can do what you want, you're the boss. And then I met an actor and I was in love with him.
Whether you're in a blockbuster or an art film, you have to be able to adapt.
When a director you admire says that he wants to work with you, it's always a compliment, very good for your ego.
It's true that French are not very sophisticated in the sense that they don't dress up for dinners. They are not like Americans, where they are always perfect - the girls are not very sporty; they don't take care of themselves as much as Americans, who always have very white teeth and are so fit.
In America, you don't have to be weak, you have to be strong.
I would love to take more risks - have pink hair - but it doesn't look right on me.
I don't like modernity. I don't have television or the Internet at home. The Internet scares me. I can't drive a car.
In America it's good to show people you are fine, you're healthy, you're sporty, you're happy to do things, to live. And in France it's more like you don't have to show you have success.
As an actor, it's up to you to show that you can do something else. For me, the interesting actors don't always go where you expect to find them.
I don't have any preconceived ideas of myself. I just take things as they come.
Music was my first love, but it was difficult for me. It's something that I really love, but I didn't feel that I was so good at it. I can sing well, but I'm not a great singer. When I sing, I don't feel I'm expressing all the emotions.
If I do too many takes, I'm too self-conscious. I think I'm better in first scenes.
I'm not reading reviews and critics. I don't care. I guess I'm still a little on my own planet.
I like a man who can respect a woman. When he's real attentive, I think that is very manly. To respect a woman is divine.
I like to learn things from other cultures. I'm curious. It's exciting to be in an unknown world, in a way.
My proudest moment is when I'm part of a good film, when people are touched by it.
I think that I'm shy and I judge myself. But at the same time, I also have big contradictions. I can be sometimes sure of myself as well. I'm not always fragile and vulnerable. I can feel tough and strong.
There are no nail salons in Paris - it is very expensive to do a manicure. I sometimes get one done.
I don't really wear makeup every day. I feel like being an actress - we wear a lot of makeup - but when I am not working, I need to let my face breathe and be very comfortable.
Even in between takes, you emerge yourself. So you don't have a life for six months.