If the United States has to accept the U.N. resolutions, we have to generalize it across the board. We can't just pick and choose where we impose and accept the U.N. resolution and don't accept them. U.N. Resolution 242 is very clear and states very clearly that Israel has to go back to the borders of the pre-war of 1967.
In Riyadh, there's going to be a huge project that will house at least 12,000 units with inhabitants of approximately 150,000 people. It's like a city within a city.
It is very clear that the Republicans do not want to raise taxes.
Clearly, as a CEO, you have other functions that are managed by other people.
Our Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of Israelis while the world turns the other cheek.
My wheels are running. My investments are local, regional and international.
Ethics to me is very important.
The potential for Twitter is spectacular and great.
I'm not panicking, and I'm not scared, I've been through the Gulf War, the Asia crisis, and the Russian crisis.
We're getting hurt, but I'm a long-term investor.
I'm telling you, you can't compare Saudi Arabia to other countries.
Saudi Arabia has stability. The social contract and the political contract between the king and the rulers and the royal family and the ruled people in Saudi Arabia is very strong and the bondage is so solid.
I own almost 100 hotels in North America. Some of them are only in management, but some of them we have some small stakes in them.
Most governments are pragmatic, most people are logical. There are pockets of extremism in Israel, in the U.S. and in the Muslim world. But we have to fight them with reason, with logic and with compassion.
I believe the government of the United States should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause.
Well, you know, News Corp is the only real media global - that has a global presence that's involved in TV production, in movies, in publishing, in newspapers, digital media, et cetera. So for a company like that to function, clearly it does not depend only on Rupert Murdoch or James Murdoch.
Those people behind the mosque have to respect, have to appreciate and have to defer to the people of New York. The wound is still there. Just because the wound is healing you can't say, 'Let's just go back to where we were pre-9/11.
I will always serve my country in any capacity, but I'm very happy with what I'm doing right now.
I definitely believe that the so-called American decline is greatly exaggerated.
Actually, King Abdullah, under his supervision and guidance, has established a dialogue in Saudi Arabia whereby all the population, whether Shiite or Sunnis from north, south, west or east, they can get together and exchange their views.
You know, in Saudi Arabia, there is a body of 40 people - 34 people exactly, that once the succession comes, they will meet and they will elect a king in there.
One of my biggest personal holdings is Rotana. That company has a very dominant force in the Middle East. It has around 45% of all the movie industry and around 75% of all the music.
The lesson is that, No. 1, this management has to be at the highest class possible. No. 2, they have to have a succession plan.
You cannot play with fire.