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I've always been the type to fall in love fast and, with every boyfriend, I plan out my wedding in my head.
I urge people to learn from the mistakes of others. Please drink responsibly and it's never acceptable to drink and drive!
I think that there's the Kim Kardashian brand and the Kardashian brand. I think they blend together, but I have different qualities or interests that my sisters might not be so into.
It's time to recognise the Armenian Genocide.
I'm the true definition of a workaholic.
I have a hit TV show.
I get letters from little girls begging me to adopt them.
I didn't love school.
As kids, we were at concerts like Michael Jackson every weekend. My first concert was Earth, Wind and Fire.
I am hands-on in any project that I am associated with. I just don't want to put my face or name and lend it to a product that I'm not behind a hundred percent.
My theory is, 'Happy mommy, happy baby.'
I think you have different soulmates throughout your life.
Everything family does is reflection on the other people.
I'm not trying to influence anyone else; I'm not saying, 'Do what I do.' I think it's a little pretentious to say, 'I'm a role model'; I would never say that, and I don't think of myself that way.
The first time I was pregnant, Kanye and I were dating, and I was just being introduced to the world of fashion. I wanted to work with a bunch of different stylists, and when you work with a new stylist, everyone wants to possess your look.
There's more pressure to be famous for being yourself than if you're being a character.
I think it would be so much fun to be in the White House.
If I feel something, it's how I feel. I never say, 'I feel this way, so you should feel that way.' Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I just am who I am. But, yeah. I think you would call me a feminist.
Holidays are the best. I couldn't imagine being from a small family.
My career is based on openness and honesty.
It's fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you.
I've always been a businesswoman.
I love that my friends are sometimes even 20, 30 years older than me - that I can just sit and enjoy their company and their experiences.
Me and my sisters all have such different body types.