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And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it.
I feel this, truly proclaimed, will help the curbing of this tendency I know this sharing of shame will ensure that I won't forget myself so easily
And I'm here, to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair, to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know.
When Jagged Little Pill came out, I feel like I immediately went into survival mode to keep the 'overwhelm' that comes from being famous at bay. Ten years later, I have the luxury of time and distance to formally honor it.
Dear popular boy I know you're used to getting everything so easily/ A stranger to the concept of reciprocity People honor boys like you in this society
You've been vilified, used as fodder, you deserve a piece of every record.
There's an obvious attraction To the path of least resistance in your life Well there's an obvious aversion no amount of my insistence Could make you try tonight 'Cause it's easy not to So much easier not to And what goes around never comes around to you To you, to you, to you, to you, to you.
Sometimes I feel more bigness than I've shared with you Sometimes I wonder why I quell when I'm not required to
I want you to know, that I am happy for you I wish nothing but the best for you both An older version of me, Is she perverted like me? Would she go down on you in a theatre?
My brothers, They never went blind for what they did, but I may as well have. In the name of the Father, the Skeptic and the Son, I had one more stupid question.
I want to decide between survival and bliss And though I know who I'm not I still don't know who I am But I know I won't keep on playing the victim
To all the unheard wisdom in the school yard: you think you're the right ones; you swear you're the charmed ones I'm sure. But how can you go on with such conviction? Who do you think you are when you question me?
Do I stress you out? My sweater is on backwards and inside out and you say 'How appropriate'
I want to be naked running through the streets, I want to invite this so-called chaos that you think I dare not be.
Supposed former infatuation junkie, I sink three pointers and you wax poetically.
How can you just throw words around like grieve and heal and mourn?
I am the funniest woman that you've ever known. I am the dullest woman that you've ever known. I'm the most gorgeous woman that you've ever known and you've never met anyone Who is as everything as I am sometimes.
I'd speak of artistry you would roll your eyes skyward When I'd speak of spirituality you would label it absurd When I spoke of possibility you would frown and shake your head If I had stayed much longer, I'd have surely imploded
You were uncomfortable in your own skin you were thirsty but mostly you were beautiful If we were our paranoias I'd be joining you if we were our incomes If we were our obsessions If we were our afflictions i'd be joining you
How to lie to yourself and thereby to everyone else, How to keep smiling when you're thinking of killing yourself.