Ancient science had sought knowledge of what things are, to be contemplated as an end in itself satisfying to the knower. In contrast, modern science seeks knowledge of how things work, to be used as a means for the relief and comfort of all humanity, knowers and non-knowers alike.
Could technology, understood as the disposition and activity of mastery, turn out to be a stumbling block in the path of the master himself?
In contrast to 50 years ago, few licensed humanists today embrace any view of the humanities that could in fact justify making them the centerpiece of a college curriculum.
The neuroscience area - which is absolutely in its infancy - is much more important than genetics.
Cloning looks like a degrading of parenthood and a perversion of the right relation between parents and children.
Prudence is … more than mere shrewdness. If not tied down to the noble and just ends that one has been habituated to love, the soul's native power of cleverness can lead to the utmost knavery.
Biology, meaning the science of all life, is a late notion.
Almost everybody is enthusiastic about the promise of biotechnology to cure disease and to relieve suffering.